Staying Informed

FMHS Home and School Communication

In an effort to increase communication to homes, the staff at FMHS will utilize the following strategies to support the learning of students:

  1. Teachers will add assignments/tests/etc in PowerSchool as soon as they are assigned to students.  Specific due dates will be identified so as to ensure parent/guardian knowledge of upcoming due dates.
  2. Teachers will insert achieved marks into PowerSchool as soon as assignments/tests/etc are assessed.
  3. Teachers will contact parent(s)/guardian(s) in the event of the following:
    1. A 3rd Classroom Incident has occurred in the classroom.  1st and 2nd minor behaviour incidents within classrooms will be dealt with inside the classroom.  As behaviours escalate, parents will be notified; all parents will be notified of minor classroom behaviour concerns prior to referrals being made to the office.  
    2. Major classroom behaviour concerns will result in an immediate office referral being made to the office; administration will be contacting parents in these situations.
  4. Administration will contact parent(s)/guardian(s) in the event of the following:
    1. A student behaviour referral (4th offence or immediate referral) has been submitted to the office.  

Staff at FMHS are expecting that the following activities are being completed by parent(s)/guardian(s) (herein called parents):

  1. All parents are able to log-in and access the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
  2. Parents are checking the PowerSchool Parent Portal on a regular basis.
  3. If parents have questions about the information that they are seeing on the PowerSchool Parent Portal, they are emailing the specific teacher ( to ask questions.
  4. If parents do not have access to the internet, they have notified the school office of an alternative preferred method of communication.  The school office will ensure that all pertinent teachers are notified of this alternative method of communication.
  5. Parents are checking the email address accounts which they have provided to the school on a regular basis.  Teachers will utilize email as the primary form of communication with parents to provide documentation of communications.

Other ways to connect with FMHS:

School Website: 




Phone: 780-542-4401

Mail:  4801 43 St, Drayton Valley, T7A 1P4 
